
Serbia relies on dirty coal and has no plan in sight to change that

In Serbia the main sources for power generation have stayed roughly level for years, with coal at around 70% and hydro at 26%.

With only nominal policies in place to support renewables at limited capacity, there has been little incentive to invest in wind and solar. Hence wind accounts for less than 3% of total power generation while solar power share is negligible. This is unlikely to change without significant policy intervention. 

Most Serbian coal is lignite, and despite hosting some of the most polluting coal power plants in Europe and failing to meet the national ceilings for air pollution, Serbia has no ambition to replace its coal fleet with cleaner alternatives. On the contrary, the country has plans to expand coal power capacity, a 350-MW lignite power plant is expected to come online by 2024.

Last updated: March 2022

Progress towards clean power targets