Barriers to EU industrial decarbonisation

Sandbag's call for evidence collected responses from the industrial stakeholders on what they see as the main barriers to decarbonising industry.

Phil MacDonald

Managing Director


15 May 2018| < 1 min read

Executive summary

Barriers and solutions to decarbonising industries

Numerous opportunities exist to decarbonise industrial sectors but, in many cases, are not being pursued.

Industries operating within the EU’s Emissions Trading System (ETS) account for some 42% of the bloc’s total CO₂ emissions. Reducing these sources of greenhouse gases is critical to meeting the EU’s overall emissions targets and limiting global temperature rise in line with the Paris Agreement. In practice, cutting emissions has proven to be particularly challenging for a host of reasons.

This paper explores both the barriers faced in decarbonising industries and solutions put forward by stakeholders – in their own words.

Based on responses received since the opening of the Call For Evidence in November 2017.