Solving the Coal Puzzle

Lessons from four years of coal phase-out policy in Europe

Dave Jones

Global Insights Programme Director


18 December 2019| < 1 min read

Executive summary

Lessons from four years of coal phase-out policy in Europe

Europe is on a journey to phase out coal. Fifteen countries have announced an end to coal burning in their power sectors since 2015. This gives a wealth of policy experience to learn from.

We wrote this report, hoping that other countries can learn from Europe’s experiences so far of phasing out coal. In the last four years, there is a wealth of policies that have worked well, and policies that have worked less well. We hope you enjoy reading it, and would like to thank the many experts that have contributed that have shared their experiences. We hope that this becomes a valuable “how-to guide” to help policy-makers develop a successful coal phase-out in their country.

Dave Jones Electricity Analyst, Ember