
China led in wind and solar generation globally in 2023, while also ranking as the world's largest power sector emitter


In 2023, clean power made up 35% of China’s electricity mix, with hydro the largest single source of clean power at 13%. Wind and solar hit a new record share of 16%, above the global average (13%). China generated 37% of global wind and solar electricity in 2023, enough to power Japan.

Yet, China relied on fossil fuels for 65% of its electricity in 2023, making it the world’s largest emitter. Its per capita power sector emissions were more than double the global average.

China’s electricity demand continued to grow in 2023, increasing by 6.9%. Wind and solar met 46% of this demand increase, but coal met the remainder. As a result, China’s power sector emissions rose by 5.9% compared to 2022 – six times the global increase of 1%. However, this increase would have been greater if not for the record additions of wind and solar. China is now approaching a tipping point where clean additions outpace demand growth, with the IEA forecasting a 3% fall in coal generation in 2024.

The latest plans suggest China is on track to double its wind and solar capacity by 2030, reaching an estimated 30% share. The IEA’s Net Zero Emissions scenario sets out a global target of 40% of electricity generation from solar and wind by 2030.


Last updated: May 2024

Progress towards 1.5C power sector benchmarks